Wednesday 2 May 2012

Mc Happy Days

Please everyone Today is Mchappy day, mcdonalds is making donations to the ronald mcdonald charities. My nephew who is now 12 was born 3 months premature and suffers, actually prevails over ceribal palsey. He has had to have many surgeries and trips to our sick kids hospital which at the time was more then 6 hours away from us, My brother and sister-in-law have had the pleasure of staying at the ronald mcdonald house. He had eye surgery when he was 6 months old to correct his vision and even though it was just over night the ronald mcdonald house was there for them! My nephew has over come not being able to use his arms and legs to there full ability. To waterski with ski ablility and he also, skis in the winter with our local adaptive program at searchmount. he is living life to the fullest and enjoys everyday. His smile can melt anyones heart. Please Please donate, if there wasnt a Ronald Mcdonald House, there would be alot of people out there without a hugh income who couldnt afford to stay with there sick children and FAMILY can mean more then medican sometimes to a child who might not make the next month!

If you have an insperational story please dont be shy post and let me know

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